Thursday, February 11, 2010

Relationship series entry (5) "Understanding Fear, Learning Boundaries and Identifying Healthy Attachement"

Some of the thought processes I am contemplating on as I expand on the content of this entry:

Does/can knowledge stifle or convolute passion?

Can "Love" derived from fear and or need have a purity or an essence, or if it is agreed that it is derived from fear or need, is it then "NOT" Love?

What is Loneliness?

What is Happiness?

In forming the text, there will be considerable dialog used in this writing from Agustine and Aristotle.

Reflection: After being somewhat awakened to the magnitude of "thought" teachers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle give us, it is incredible that we do not spend more time learning from them as a collective...

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother

Monday, February 8, 2010

Relationship series entry (4) "Knowing "ONE'S" Place in the Continuum of The Relationship Process”

Original Post (Jan 27th 2010) entry number 4 (Relationship Series)

Affirmation of Friendship and Maintaining “Identified” Personal Commitments: “I Give Myself Permission to have“Women” as Friends in My Life!”

Now obviously, this blog is another in my ongoing series of writings having to do with Relationships and Romantic Relationships. In reading this affirmation, there are several presuppositions that are inherent to the successful implementation of articulating its essence! Obviously, for a woman the affirmation can be turned around. My goal here is to present a basis for my belief that burdensome relational wows can be minimized, or eliminated by looking in the mirror instead of looking at our partner as a savior.

As always, the first order of business is continuing to identify what we believe as individuals, and identifying what stage of the building process we are in. In other words, what works for me, may not work for someone else. Along these lines of thought, MY acknowledgment is that I am continuing the manufacturing process of building (discovering) my life. I prayed a prayer some decades ago; acknowledging to myself, with ALL sincerity, “ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THIS TOM, ARE YOU CERTAIN YOU WANT TO PRAY THIS PRAYER?” After considering the alternatives, I said YES, and proceeded to ask my maker: “That on the path of life, “I WOULD BE GIVEN THE PRIVILEGE TO “LEARN MY LESSONS WELL!” Albeit, a historically profitable, and sometimes painful path, my prayer has not gone unanswered, and in fact, this writing is a continuation of the process.

Now the catalyst for the content of this particular writing is connected to my chosen path of incorporating various philosophies and teachings that allow me to navigate a eclectic course of learning and living. Accordingly, Don Miguel Ruiz, and respectively, Gary Zukav have been instrumental in my "life process." Don Miguel Ruiz has two wonderful stories in his book “The Mastery of Love.” One of the stories is about a man and a woman who did not believe in love, and the other is about a “magical kitchen. I won’t spoil the story by trying to tell it here, but simply mention that it has something to do with being in a romantic relationship where two people CAN BE totally HAPPY, ALIVE, WHOLE and at PEACE “TOGETHER” without being burdened down with the negativity that so often comes with social conditioning and psychological / emotional bondage, i.e., suspicion, jealousy, anger, manipulation, deceit, fear, and most tragically, spiritual stagnation, and lack of personal peace!

This is where Gary Zukav comes in. Now remember my current continuum of truth, may not work for you the reader, so before continuing, allow me to ask you to consider how strong the outer defenses of your paradigm are! In other words, everyone is ultimately responsible for their own personal paradigm, and if some new thought should shake a pre-established belief or idea that exposes an Achellies heel, the illumination remains their's to navigate! Now to actually understand the basic message and essence of Gary Zukav’s marvelous teaching, there is a need to know first of all that we are not alone. His philosophy teaches that before our birth (while still in our shall we say, heavenly form) we had a sort of round-table meeting with what he calls our Guides and Teachers. Now if you want to understand the totality of Zukav or “catch up” here, you may want to read two of his books, “Seat of the Soul” and “Heart of the Soul." In these books, the reader is introduced to the Earth School where we learn that those things in life that challenge us, are actually blessings. Where relationships comes into this picture is by accepting the fact that during the round table meeting we had with our Guides and Teachers before we “arrived on the scene”, i.e., before we were born, we had already identified the list of “things to accomplish” in this lifetime.

Belief in Gary Zukav's work is not a prerequisite for understanding his work. His message is POWERFUL! The message is that those things that are difficult in our lives; things, or challenges that are fearful or painful for us to “STAND UP TO EMOTIONALLY” are the things that we chose to work on before we came to be in these bodies. So, if relationships have proven to be challenging or difficult for us as individuals, that could be a cue to look at the dynamics of our respective challenges in regard to what we "came to accomplish!" He asks, what are your vices, what are your fears or addictions, what are your relational difficulties, or the triggers to your outbursts and so on... Who are WE in those quiet moments that no one sees? The "growth opportunity" is ours when we consciously CHOOSE to quit running away from the things that cause (or have caused) us difficulty, and "STAND" WILLING to ..WORK ON US, we are then enrolled in the metaphorical “Earth School” You get the picture…

So where does the affirmation come in? For me, its all part of the process of discovery. I know I am still in the relational "Learning Process", and as most everyone even close to my inner circle already knows, in my past I have looked to the women in my life to make me happy by being my savior, or thinking that somehow they were the key to fixing me! I acknowledge that this historically cyclical course of action was (and is) disrespectful for both parties, and instead of creating a home, it creates seemingly impenetrable emotional walls, and one-way streets! Trying to navigate these streets, I have been the recipient, as well as have been responsible for inflicting emotional pain on those “I HAVE TRULY LOVED”, but now it is time for me to live what I am learning, That is, that “ONLY I CAN MAKE ME HAPPY!” If I am looking to someone else to make me happy, then I am being disrespectful to them and need to stay in EARTH SCHOOL 101! Of course one of the key questions is “how long of a class is this EARTH SCHOOL? And when will I graduate? How can I gauge my progress?

There are actually many classes in the Earth School and we know when we have graduated when things that were once painful in our lifes has been replaced with peace and harmony with the Universe; or from a Christian vernacular, with the love of Christ. So in my Earth School class marked "Relationship 101" my final take-home essay is being written; it is a paper about learning how to build friendships and respecting myself and others. My chosen affirmation of opening myself to having women as "FRIENDS" in my life can be likened to walking through a doorway into a new room, a prism of relational light radiating with the attributes of understanding, and relational "peace." The result I am "acheiving" in this rational approach, with the writing of my "Final Exam" for relationship 101, is projecting myself into the future. A future that incorporates the love of the magical kitchen, friendship, conscious choice, and ultimately a spiritual partnership as is masterfully illustrated in the metaphorical Earth School.

In closing, I want to share two quotes, one from Don Miguel Ruiz's book, The Four Agreements, and the other from Epictetus.

"Find your voice to ask for what you want... The day you stop making assumptions, you will communicate cleanly and clearly" (Don Miguel Ruiz).

"It's much better to die of hunger unhindered by grief and fear than to live affluently beset with worry, dread, suspicion and uncheked desire." (Epictetus aprox 55 A.D.).

Blessings to all, Tom

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother

Relationship series entry (3) "Being Real and Living the Truth"

Original Post (Jan 13th 2010) entry number 3 (Relationship Series)

Being Real:
This morning I spent some time in meditation. Now during what I call meditation, my time is sometimes spent sitting quietly (on my little pillow and rug with my 10 or so affirmations taped to the floor) without moving, sometimes reading is my choice, sometimes listening to teaching audio while stretching my leg muscles out on the floor. Sometimes candles and incense quietly burn, sometimes I pray, chant or just concentrate on my breathing with eyes closed or open. Some sessions are 5 minutes long, others are 1-2 hours. Some sessions are emotionally deep, while others seem routine and mundane. My objective in mentioning these things is to be real, and if it be so, help someone to glean a measure of progress in their own life. The phrase, "God Knows" how hard-fought a measure of peace and tranquility has been to implement into my life at age 51 is suitable for the discussion.

My equally important objective is to offer this particular blog as an addition to my series of blogs on relationships and romantic relationships. Of course, the question could be asked, how does talking about your daily routine fall into the category of romance and relationships? My answer: "If one does not have a relationship with oneself, how can that person have a quality relationship with another person?" Spouse, friend, acquaintance or otherwise?

Furthermore, it remains my belief that we have enough strife, jealousy, hate, dissension, misunderstandings, and turmoil in the world already. The history books and many of our own personal histories are filled with the aftermath of these detriments on a scale of both large and small measure. So, if through the process of my own (or someone’s) willingness to be "real" for the purpose of helping shift the current social and global paradigm to a more peaceful equilibrium, then it is a realness I gladly choose to embrace.

Living the Truth:
Now to live the truth in my world, we have to go down a little rabbit hole and identify this word known as TRUTH; more specifically, what TRUTH means for us as individuals. Is truth found in what we believe or what we have been told? Categorically, we could easily make a spread sheet of answers. In some of the categories, we may share the same answers or perhaps we may disagree. Personally, I embrace these differences as I do think it would be a dull world if we were all the same. From a three dimensional "linear" perspective, the very words that I am writing here have been influenced by many building blocks, i.e., physiology, heredity, social conditioning, personal decisions, life-experiences and many others. Now because I was told something or learned something that I currently identify as truth, does that mean that I should believe it? Perhaps!

For me the word "perhaps" represents the level of comfort a person has as an individual. In one of Don Miguel Ruiz's books he talks about the greatest sin being that of a sin against ourselves. Several years ago, I started a research paper with the title, "Riding the Wave of Association.” When completed, the contents of the paper will interact with the pros and cons of a person, or group, deriving part of their identity from a connection with something outside of themselves; hence, riding the wave of association. Now we can easily see that having such a connection to a given group, say a religion or a certain set of beliefs, is a crucial part of the very fabric of society! Indeed a crucial and important role from a macro (large scale) view. Expanding the question; however, from simply asking what truth is, to asking: "Do we know what OUR respective TRUTH is?, may have significant implications on any of our relationships! My challenge therefore is not to change anyone's respective truth, but simply to say that by being comfortable in that respective truth, as it exists for us as individuals is where self respect, honor, and the seeds of personal growth reside.

In the movie "Resurrecting the Champ" one of the characters tells some (so called) white lies to make themselves look better in the eyes of another. In relationships, if we are being true to ourselves (OUR TRUTH as it exists for US), then we are putting ourselves in a position to achieve true harmony with ourselves, and in our relationships.

Blessings, Tom

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother

Relationship series entry (2) "Neediness, Jealousy and Possessiveness"

Original Post (Jan 5th 2010) entry number 2 (Relationship Series)


Dependent Personality Disorder:


How Neediness Damages Relationships:

CO-Dependent Relationships

Abraham Hicks: Neediness atracts Neediness

Quote: "If your love has attachement, discrimination, prejudice, or clinging in it, it is not true love" (Thich Nhat Hanh).


BOOKS: Overcoming Jealousy and Possessiveness by Paul Hauck


Soulmate Love, and Authentic Egoless Relationship

Getting Real: A young adult perspective

Additional Resources: Caution: the following video is very infomative on brain function but has graphic imagry!

Thought/Question for the day: "One way to understand ourselves better as a collective could be to increase the percentage of people who...???"

In the muse consider such inventions as ethnocentrism, prejudice, selfishness, inductive vs deductive reasoning, social conditioning, and don't forget to forget being so serious from time to time and have some fun...

Future blogs to include: Fear, abandonment, anger, hate, love, sex, aesthetics, pornography, religion, addiction, forgiveness, altruism, career, money, drugs...

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother Breaking things down so we can talk...

Relationship series entry (1) "The Collective Philosophy of Relationships; Where is Your Center?"

(original post Jan 5th 2010 ) Entry number 1 (Relationship Series)

I have titled this entry “The Collective Philosophy of Relationships; Where is YOUR CENTER?” because it speaks to the CORE issues as I see them. Simply, as humans, we all have emotions and engaging and acknowledging them as part of our lives is a big step in finding out where we want to go as individuals. Now imbedded within my chosen wording for this title piece are a multitude of possible arteries, and tributaries of thought. My goal forthcoming is to launch a series of “established” topics of relationship issues, links to web sites ect…

In the process, my direct and indirect “blog goals” will be to continue the sometimes arduous task of building and laying bricks of knowledge, and prayerfully (sometimes painfully), bricks of wisdom, on my personal “Yellow Brick Road of Life.” And if it be so, provide some nugget of knowledge or piece of information that may assist someone else on their respective path; perhaps someone who stumbled here by fate, curiosity, chance, desire, or otherwise…

It should also be noted that the links, books and audio recommendations I provide as resources will be expanded on from time to time. In other words, these blogs as you see them today may have expanded information tomorrow. Along those lines of thought, if you have suggestions and want to engage in the discussion, please post them in your comments so that others can access them.

One of my favorite saying is from Jon Kabat-Zinn: “Use your breath as the string that will guide you through the Labyrinth.” From his most excellent book, “Wherever you go, there you are.”

Tom Odeen

Note: By clicking on any of the links embedded within these blogs, you the reader take full responsibility for viewing its content, Furthermore, you also retain total control over your level of involvement, and control over the multitude of methods you may choose to exercise, as a willing (or otherwise) participant of the "collective" Earth. As a component of this collective, I will try and add one new blog per month while continuing to integrate material that has depth and diversity.

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother

Seeking and Creating in Life

Notice: This artwork is intended solely for my own personal use and is in no way connected to T3Abstracts and crafts. I do not endorce, authorize, condone or agree to allow this image to be copied, reprinted, sold, or used for any purpose other than being viewed and enjoyed by my visitors. Tom Odeen

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Welcome to my blog


My goal in being a bloger is to incorporate my essence (electronic limitations acknowledged), into what my current personal evolution vernacular will call the UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE. Equally, my goal as part of this collective is to meet new people who have similar interests and goals to shape and shift the current global paradigm to a more peace-loving equilibrium...

Some of the blogs you see here are those I have transferred from myspace to here; I found myspace to be restricting in that they use encryption when a person tries to share a web site or contact information. I found this offensive and non conducive to achieving my efforts, hence I revived this blogspot that I had began some time ago, but never established.Thank you for your contribution...

Sincerely and Many Blessings,
Tom Odeen

Related Blogs: Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration Poetry of Alchemy A blog I started in honor of my mother