(original post Jan 5th 2010 ) Entry number 1 (Relationship Series)
I have titled this entry “The Collective Philosophy of Relationships; Where is YOUR CENTER?” because it speaks to the CORE issues as I see them. Simply, as humans, we all have emotions and engaging and acknowledging them as part of our lives is a big step in finding out where we want to go as individuals. Now imbedded within my chosen wording for this title piece are a multitude of possible arteries, and tributaries of thought. My goal forthcoming is to launch a series of “established” topics of relationship issues, links to web sites ect…
In the process, my direct and indirect “blog goals” will be to continue the sometimes arduous task of building and laying bricks of knowledge, and prayerfully (sometimes painfully), bricks of wisdom, on my personal “Yellow Brick Road of Life.” And if it be so, provide some nugget of knowledge or piece of information that may assist someone else on their respective path; perhaps someone who stumbled here by fate, curiosity, chance, desire, or otherwise…
It should also be noted that the links, books and audio recommendations I provide as resources will be expanded on from time to time. In other words, these blogs as you see them today may have expanded information tomorrow. Along those lines of thought, if you have suggestions and want to engage in the discussion, please post them in your comments so that others can access them.
One of my favorite saying is from Jon Kabat-Zinn: “Use your breath as the string that will guide you through the Labyrinth.” From his most excellent book, “Wherever you go, there you are.”
Tom Odeen
Note: By clicking on any of the links embedded within these blogs, you the reader take full responsibility for viewing its content, Furthermore, you also retain total control over your level of involvement, and control over the multitude of methods you may choose to exercise, as a willing (or otherwise) participant of the "collective" Earth. As a component of this collective, I will try and add one new blog per month while continuing to integrate material that has depth and diversity.
Related Blogs:
http://universalallegory.blogspot.com/ Ancient Teaching: Understanding Twin Souls / Twin Flames
http://heartsseeker22.blogspot.com/ The blog I started to begin my search for understanding intimate relationships
http://inspirationsofhumanity.blogspot.com/ A blog profiling and honoring Human Inspration
http://heartmatesforever.blogspot.com/ Poetry of Alchemy
http://empathyandpain.blogspot.com/ A blog I started in honor of my mother
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